All the Time in the World

Memories of the past are disappearing from conscious memory. The very few who perceive this are being assassinated before they can understand why. Curtis, a former soldier with a history of charting courses that are too dangerous to follow, was brought to the future to uncover the opponent who is causing all this. An opponent who can be in multiple points in time at once.

"All the Time in the World" can be found on

Venom Infinitum

Hatred, no matter how much control we think we have over it, always leaves unintended victims in its wake. Just ask Harold how many people felt his venomous hate. Just ask those who came from very far away to understand how his venom did what it did.

"Venom Infinitum" can be found on

Sacred Time

For those who think the Chesapeake Bay Bridge from Annapolis to the Maryland eastern shore is the scariest bridge you've ever driven across, you might be unhappy to know that I had a lot of fun making it even worse in this story.

"Sacred Time" can be found on

Beyond the Conscious Breath

Dreams and waking visions are disturbing enough. Visions of someone close to you dying are horrible. Seeing how that person died through their eyes, as it happened, is something nobody wants to experience. Except the military. Especially if they can figure out how to turn that ability into a tactical advantage.

"Beyond the Conscious Breath" can be found on

Alternate Ending

For those who don't like the way things might turn out...

"Alternate Ending" was published on the Every Day Fiction website, and still resides there after all this time. Leave feedback. We writers like feedback.

The Demon You Know

Do you really know where your conscious thoughts are coming from?

"The Demon You Know" resides in Issue Two of Plasma Frequency magazine. Unfortunately, this magazine no longer exists, so I'll probably reprint the story at a future time.